Works by Osvaldo Moi


L’urlo del mare

2024 Resin-coated fabric made from abandoned remains collected in Lampedusa
53x39x8 cm


The mask was partly made from rags, fabric, collected from that shipwreck.

Lampedusa, Winter 2022
I wrote an open letter before Christmas 2022, about an incident that happened to me at the airport in Lampedusa.


Falsi miti, miraggi abbandonati tra gli scogli di Lampedusa!
Erano le tre del mattino, eravamo rientrati da poco da Agrigento, per un volo umanitario, con una donna incinta e il suo bambino di 2 o 3 anni. Mentre riponevo dei documenti, sento bussare al vetro, dei rintocchi deboli, impauriti e mi appare un viso nero scuro…strano in un aeroporto a quell’ora ci sono solo gli addetti ai lavori. Era solo uno sguardo, che di lì a poco sono diventati tanti. 10 fradici, giovani, visi impauriti e dubbiosi, forse appena 18enni, forse anche meno, sguardi felici, ma persi in un mondo nuovo, ma senza saperlo avevano attraversato la pista dell’aeroporto seguendo una luce amica. Un ragazzo di colore, forse il più coraggioso è venuto a bussare nella finestra, per chiedere aiuto, poi uno dietro l’altro si sono presentati gli altri 9, senza scarpe, senza calze, sporchi di sangue, uno ferito sulla testa, uno sulle gambe, più o meno tutti un pò feriti nell’attraversare al buio quella barriera di scogli che li divideva dal mare cupo e la libertà. Hanno graffiato con le unghie quella salvezza con la fierezza di leoni in cerca di quei sogni e a volte miraggi. Miraggi fatti da icone, falsi miti abbandonati tra gli scogli.
Osvaldo Moi


Ava e Otto

2023 Ava (desired woman) and Otto (powerful man) two palindromic names
95x42x42 individual characters, on the bench 84x95x42






2019, in resin and fabric 35×50 cm


Gesù piccolo il castigatore

Plexiglass box, 33 x 33 x 33 cm; 100 wooden crucifixes, each 11,5 x 20 cm


Mano destra

2016, in Swiss pine wood

Mano sinistra

2016, in Swiss pine wood

Mano piccola

2016, in lime wood


Bimba curiosa, Bimbo curioso, Voglia di evadere e Voglia di fuga




2016, in fiberglass, wire mesh, sponge, resin, paper, and fabric



Moi has never neglected the human and social aspect of existence, often focusing his attention on female figures.



In his artistic corpus, self-irony emerges as a leitmotif, especially in his personal logo that incorporates a little snail, the “Escargot”. This element, created in 2006 and later evolved through various interpretative cycles, is imbued with sometimes superstitious meanings, reflecting his worldview and playful approach to art. Some bronze and resin pieces are part of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation collection.



Religiosity intertwines deeply with humanity in his works, particularly evident in the sculpture “Sindone”, which depicts Jesus in ascension. Created on the occasion of a Pope’s visit, the piece stands as a powerful symbol of transcendence and redemption, crafted with masterful skill using walnut wood to emphasize the naturalness and sanctity of the represented image. In wood 2009, in bronze 2010.


Caduti di Nassirya

His humanitarian commitment is powerfully expressed in his tribute to the “Caduti di Nassirya”, a poignant bronze group honoring the innocent victims of war tragedies, including those irreparably affected during his military career as a helicopter pilot. This ability to transform pain and testimony into art is a testament to the depth of his social and artistic commitment.


Donna che entra nel muro

Moi has never neglected the human and social aspects of existence, often focusing his attention on female figures, as masterfully illustrated in the work “Donna che entra nel muro”. Here, the sculpture transcends mere aesthetic representation to become a powerful commentary on the condition of women, suggesting a reflection on the role and space of women in contemporary society.



“Genesi” (The Genesis of the Wheel and Man), a work that captures an athlete running with a wheel made of Swiss pine wood on a base of black granite. This choice of materials is not accidental but intentional, evoking the resilience and perpetual human aspiration towards progress.


Olimpico dalla ruota alla luna

Since 2005, he has embarked on a fascinating expressive journey into the world of sports through sculpture, inaugurating this phase with the work “Olimpico  dalla ruota alla luna”. This sculpture, embodying a powerful man in a gesture of strength and agility, represents not only the athlete but also a hymn to the triumph of the human spirit.



One of his very first works is indeed the result of the fusion of water and air: it is the “Pinguino”, a piece from 1995, crafted from small petals of bronze, plexiglass, and aluminum. Since then, he has created works dedicated to Fish, Hermit Crabs, Sea Urchins, Tapirs, Goats, and other small wild creatures, in addition to many portraits of famous people.


Nasini in bronzo

The “Nasini” in bronze evoke small flamingos, one of his earliest creations dating back to 1988.

Contact Osvaldo Moi

Discover the works of Osvaldo Moi and be inspired by the beauty sculpted in bronze and precious woods.

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