Charitable initiatives

Scultore Osvaldo Moi: dalle scuole elementari alla creazione di oltre cento opere, tra cui monumenti ai Caduti di Nassiriya, utilizzando bronzo, legno pregiato, vetroresina e resine epossidiche, con uno stile unico che spazia dal figurativo al surrealismo.

  • Created an “escargot” for a charity auction dedicated to children with neuromotor disabilities, curated by Cristiano De Lorenzo, director of Christie’s for the ARIEL UMANITAS Foundation, held on Thursday, June 3, 2021, at 19:00 at Sala Umberto I, Palazzo Cusani, Milan.
  • Created “4 trophies” for the 11th World Stars Ski Event – Auron, January 15-16, 2016 Maritime Alps.
  • Created “2 trophies” for the 22nd World Stars Football Match held at Louis II Stadium, Monaco, on May 19, 2015. The trophies were presented to the team Star Team for the Children led by HSH Prince Albert II and the National Pilots.
  • Created “6 trophies” for the 5th Edition of the World Stars Golf Charity Tournament, at Monte Carlo Golf Club; a charity event under the patronage of HSH Prince Albert II, – October 2014.
  • Created “2 trophies” for the 21st World Stars Football Match held at Louis II Stadium, Monaco, on May 20, 2013. The trophies were presented to the team Star Team for the Children led by HSH Prince Albert II and the National Pilots Formula.
  • Organized and curated the “Collective with auction “Lavoro” with works created and donated by sixty artists. The auction was curated by Dr. Paolo Turati, raising over 7000 euros for the fund for victims of work in Piedmont. The exhibition, promoted by Labor Councilor Claudia Porchietto, was held at the Piedmont Region, Piazza Castello 165, Turin – July/November 2013. The commission was formed by art critic Angelo Mistrangelo and sculptors Osvaldo Moi and Salvatore Vitale.
  • Created “2 trophies” for the 20th World Stars Football Match held at Louis II Stadium, Monaco, on May 21, 2013. The trophies were presented to the team Star Team for the Children led by HSH Prince Albert II and the National Pilots Formula 1. The funds raised were donated to the Princess Charlene Foundation of Monaco, for the benefit of disadvantaged children worldwide.
  • Created “2 trophies” for the parallel slalom and biathlon of the 7th World Stars Ski Event / 2013 held in Limone Piemonte on March 2, 2013, organized by the A.S. Star Team for the Children MC founded by HSH Prince Albert II, who is also honorary president. The funds raised were donated to the Princess Charlene Foundation of Monaco, for the benefit of disadvantaged children worldwide.
  • Organized the “3rd Golf Trophy TUTTIARTISTI” for charity for the “World Food Programme of the UN”, sponsored by TNT Italia, at the Golf Club Rendena in Bocenago on August 23, 2008.
  • Created, upon the request of the President of CIP Piemonte Dr. Tiziana NASI (International Paralympic Committee), medals and the trophy for the “2007 ICE SLEDGE HOCKEY EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS” in Pinerolo (TO), Italy.
  • Sponsored the “1st Alpine Ski and Giant Slalom Trophy “Valori e Futuro”” through the creation of the medals.
  • Organized the “2nd Golf Trophy TUTTIARTISTI” for charity for the “World Food Programme of the UN”, sponsored by TNT Italia, at the Golf Club Rendena in Bocenago on August 2, 2007, and created the 12 Sculpture Trophies awarded.

Public Art Projects

  • “Installation of the Public Art Monument “Caduti di Nassirya” in Turin, Corso IV Novembre/Piazza d’Armi, 2003.
  • “Installation of the Public Art Monument “Caduti di Nassirya” in Novara, Viale IV Novembre, 2004.
  • “Installation of the Public Art Monument “Caduti di Nassirya” in Pianezza (TO), Parco della Pace, 2009.
  • “Installation of the public art group “La Famiglia” at the roundabout on Strada Cortassa in Pianezza (TO), 2021.
  • Creation of the “PORTALE NORD” entrance in Limone Piemonte (TO), 2024.

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Discover the works of Osvaldo Moi and be inspired by the beauty sculpted in bronze and precious woods.

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